
Tentoonstelling Thierry Poncelet

Hallo iedereen,
Afgelopen zondag reisden mijn ouders en ik naar Wavre waar een tentoonstelling plaatsvindt van mijn favoriete kunstschilder
Thierry Poncelet.
In de loop van het jaar houden Thierry en ik contact via e-mail maar er gaat niets boven een persoonlijke ontmoeting.
Na een zeer gezellige namiddag keerde we huiswaarts waar we tot in de late uurtjes nagenoten van een geslaagde dag.

Fijne week gewenst en wellicht tot mails !
Groetjes Mireille


At The Pampered Pet Inn we treasure the amusing works of Mr. Poncelet. It is with great pleasure that we can announce that very soon the Inn will begin to offer his fabulously illustrated book, "Sit" as well as his clever and delightfully dignified animal prints. Mr. Poncelet has graciously offered to autograph a number of his works for us.

Residing in Monaco, Mr. Poncelet calls his portraits "aristochiens" or "aristochats" and his paintings are eagerly bought up by the aristocracy in Europe and even royalty. "Most of the crowned heads of Europe have bought them, and people with ancestral portraits of their own, who sprinkle the aristochiens among them," says the owner of a London art gallery in a New York Times article.

Born in Brussels, in 1946, Mr. Poncelet spent his childhood in Manche en Famenne, a small town in Belgium. At a young age, his grandmother, who was a well-known portrait painter, encouraged him to paint and draw.

Mr. Poncelet is an entirely self-taught oil painter, although he studied drawing at St. Luc School. After his education he spent a few years working for a picture restorer at the studio of a well known painter, Max Massot. During this time, he learned the technique of painting restoration. However, his love of painting soon outgrew his interest in restoration, and he decided to become a full time oil painter, specializing in whimsical dog portraits.

He has taken much inspiration from famous French painters, including Jerome Bosch, as well as humorous literature and the art of Walt Disney. Mr. Poncelet has become an extremely successful artist, and his painting are sought throughout the world. His unique portraits have been exhibited at many leading galleries. When away from painting in his studio Mr. Poncelet enjoys walking his dog.


Langverwachte Toby Award

Beste berenvrienden,

Vorige week ontving ik met de post eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeindelijk de langverwachte Toby Award :o-)
Het Amerikaanse vakblad “Teddy Bear & Friends” organiseert elk jaar de prestigieuze “ TOBY Industry's Choice Award” in San Diego - Californië, zeg maar “DE WEDSTRIJD” der wedstrijden in berenwereld.
Top-berenmaaksters over heel de wereld proberen deze felbegeerde Diamantvormige Award in de wacht te slepen.
Met volharding, discipline en wat moed kunnen dromen blijkbaar dan toch werkelijkheid worden.

Groetjes en wellicht tot mails !


Artikel Poppen en Teddy - Beer

Beste berenvrienden,

Eindelijk viel het vakblad “Poppen en Teddy – Beer” deze middag in de brievenbus yippie yay !
Vorige week ontving ik al een aantal reacties van enthousiaste berenliefhebsters die het artikel apprecieerden en de foto’s geweldig vonden.
Bij deze wil ik Nico Heins hartelijk bedanken voor het mooie artikel en hoop dat jullie er net zo van genieten als ikzelf :o-)

Groetjes en misschien tot mails.....